IT-HenHouse LLC
More about us

At IT-Henhouse we believe that IT isn't just about technology, it’s about possibility. And IT consulting isn't only about systems, it's about humans. If technology can improve your business, we will help you figure out how. Our professional services include, Enterprise Resource Planning Solutions, Our Managed IT Solutions include Cyber Security, Data recovery/ Back up, and help desk services. Computer Henhouse, our E-commerce store offers hardware to modernize your company's IT-Infrastructure.

IT-Henhouse is here to navigate you through the process of modernizing your business technology infrastructure. Specializing in cloud-based ERP and hardware solutions, our team works diligently to make sure that you can do business better… Or as we like to say, hatch what’s next!

  • Business Type
  • Systems Integrator
  • Solution Types
  • Cyber Security
  • Cloud Solutions
  • CRM Solutions
  • Cloud Solutions
  • Google
  • Industries Supported
  • Education
  • Healthcare/Pharma
  • Retail/Hospitality